How Much Can I Make as an ABS Transcriber?

How much can you make as an ABS transcriber?

Most transcription work pays per audio minute. You are not paid by the time it takes you to complete a file.

When a company hires you, you are considered an Independent Contractor (IC). What does this mean?

  • There is no guarantee of work on any given day. You are hired project to project when it's available.
  • You are responsible for the cost of your equipment.
  • You are responsible for paying your taxes.

All transcription companies will have their slow periods and their busy periods. During slow periods, unfortunately, seniority rules as with any company, so this may mean little to no work for some.

As an IC, you do not need to commit to only one transcription company, which is an awesome deal! It will give you a variety of assignments with sustainable work.

Most transcribers start with one transcription company, learn their formats and guidelines, and acclimate to the company until they are comfortable. They learn about the companies' busy and slow times, then apply to other companies one at a time and learn their process.

Eventually, you will have a portfolio of companies to work with, sustaining a healthy weekly paycheck.

It takes time and patience, but it is possible. Remember, you are building a lasting income: short-term sacrifices, long-term profit.

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