Introduction to TCs

timecode (alternatively, time code) is a sequence of numeric codes generated at regular intervals.

Timestamps or timecodes (TCs) are inserted into video/audio transcripts at specific intervals. They make it easier for the client to find what was said at a specified time.

How do you type a timecode?

Typically, timecodes are put in brackets with the hour, minutes, and seconds, such as [01:15:02], which means that that part of the audio is said at the first hour, 15 minutes, and two seconds.

A timecode is formed by:

Most of the transcription companies do not use the frames (last set of digits) as it is not needed. Noting the seconds already gives accurate precision for the client's purpose. That is why you won't see it in the examples below.

Where do I insert the timecode?

Again, this is very specific to the company, client, and project. Some timecodes are inserted a line before the speaker, while other timecodes are inserted after the speaker's name or title. And then there are some instances you may be requested to timecode specific tags. So what is important here? Read the Style Guide and Formatting Guidelines for each company, client, and project you are working on!

Here are some examples of what a company could ask for:

And here we have another example:

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