Is there a need for legal transcribers?


The role of a legal transcriber is to prepare a verbatim transcript from electronic audio recordings and is responsible for transcript formatting, correct speaker identifications, and word/name spellings.

You might hear that transcription is a dying career due to Voice Recognition software, but that could not be further from the truth.

Legal professionals use a high volume of recordings. A transcription is an effective and permanent written record of proceedings. And in any legal procedure, accuracy is really, REALLY important.

If voice recognition software was so reliable, why aren't clients just using VR software themselves instead of hiring a transcription company to transcribe their files?

The TRUTH about VR Software is this: They are not reliable.

They have come a long way from when they first started, but they will never replace the human brain and ear. You have a specific talent to do a specific job. 

Your brain and ears are needed in this field

There is nothing like the hands-on approach to transcription. There is nothing like the hands-on approach to anything, actually. Would you trust your precious file to a piece of software or another human being trained to listen to every word you are saying?

Work in Quality Control teaches us that nothing beats a human when it comes to transcription. This is a real example:

One time, while working on a project about Antarctica a transcriber using VR software wrote:

Speaker: That’s a huge iceburger.

But the speaker was actually saying:

Speaker: That’s a huge iceberg.

Makes a difference, don't you think?

Think how it would affect a legal procedure if a file was transcribed by a machine. 👀

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